reality – october 05, 2009

June 9, 2010 by

took me almost eight months to sit and write this.

gul rukh tahir was the first victim of the october 05, 2009 suicide bombing in the united nations world food program country office, islamabad, pakistan.

this piece has been written by tahir wadood malik her widower on may 9, 2010, at 5:45 pm


the call called me out
and i ran.
a scene of chaos
before me i saw
no one familiar
no one known
pell-mell running feet
stopping all from going in.

a hand held my arm
i looked at a face
worn and sad
she is taken from here
to the medical centre
or the hospital
hurry sir
he said.

i turned and ran
the medical centre was near,
first there i thought
and walked briskly
a voice called out
i turned
the medical centre sir
she is taken there.

a hop and i was there
running to the steps up
when another voice called
sir here
turning i saw him pointing
he came close and said
be strong sir
and turned his face.

down the slope i went,
entering a small room,
packed full with people
smelling of antiseptic,
gurneys covered in white sheets
a doctor looked at me
i took your name.

she looked at me
sad and sorry
pointing to the nearest
white sheet, she walked to it.
i stood as if riveted to the floor
is she gone i asked
she nodded,
and held the corner of the sheet.

leaden feet one after the other
just three steps
to see your face
drained of life’s color
the smile gone
nothing to give me hope.
just an endless dark tunnel,
with no light at the end.

you had left the world
you had left me, who you said
was your world,
i was left
without a thought
without any idea of next.
looking at your white face
closed eyes, look at me i said.

did you smile?
did you know i was standing there?
did you feel the tear
that fell on your cheek?
did you feel my hand on your face?
could you feel my willing you to wake?
or was it all cold, all dark,
and finished for you?

i stood there,
suddenly tired and racked with sobs
no one to hold me
no one to console me
no one to say hush
all alone.
not even you to say i am here.
together we will overcome.

and then the haze
people coming and going
a leg lay on the table next to you
supposedly of the bomber
people came and looked at it
no one bothered about us
but that leg was it for all then.
and i was frozen in pain, anger and angst.

ambulance ride
people gathering
intruding in my feelings
despair, grief, anger,
and a loss infinite.

more people,
waiting for the inevitable
more and more
but where in all this are you?
lying cold and unconcerned in a bed
draped in a white coffin

i looked at you
wanting you to smile
wanting you to open your eyes
wishing for the noise of the wails
beating chests and prayers
to wake you
from the depth of death.

but your face
serene, calm
without worries at last
fresh like the morning dew
not even lines of any hue
eyes closed,
even the white cloth,
pale against your skin.

and they came also
who had not come before
all standing
some silent
some crying
all sad
all lost
no words no actions enough.

and then it was time
picking you up
one on each of the four posts
reciting the oneness of god
who had taken you from me
so cruelly,
still being exalted and called to succor,
knowing i had but to suffer.

and then the prayers,
and a ride to the last resting place
a pit dark and dreary
i shuddered
you would hold my arm
even to step a step up
and this was so much down!
how could i hold you now?

and it was all over
dust to dust
consoling words
a dirge
another prayer
how could i leave you?

but i did leave you
in a pit covered with fresh dug soil
put on there with my own hands
my prayers mixed with the rest
a feel of death, a pain, a void,
in my heart
where you lived.

and food was served
people forgot death
food, the source of life
for the living was being taken
no one bothered to say
the food was important
my loss was reality and not.

and then they left
leaving me to my self
my thoughts
my feelings
my emptiness
my fight with my god
my forlornness
and my grief

and good too that was
for there was too much
going on in me

and the night passed
just as you had passed from this
to another world
just as i had passed
from a happy man
to a sad being
wondering why
this had come to pass?

but then life reared its head
wanting to extract its pound of flesh
not wanting to wait for the next
but wanting me not to rest
and i shrugged
and i looked
and i picked up the shackles of life
and i went to put my shoulder to the plough.

Reminiscing 1961, Peshawar, Queens visit, and later day memories!

April 11, 2021 by

My Op-Ed on Prince Phillips & life today, in Daily Times, Sunday 11/04/2021

1961 QE II visit to Peshawar & an anecdote from 1972

Dr Qayyum & I talk loss & coping

April 3, 2021 by

Terrorism, loss, trauma, stress, recovery, mental health, closure.

Words we hear and usually ignore, but do we know their impact on sufferers?

Listen to this talk and join us to lift the taboo on mental health issues in Pakistan!

Lahore – the names old & changed

March 21, 2021 by

Over the years the names of roads & localities in Lahore (as in other cities) have been changed on a whim to align to some idea of ideology!

Yet the old names stick & many old & new are used interchangeably!

Attaching a list based on on ground & friends of my genre & some good neighborly chat with oldies sitting chatting on “tharas” outside their homes!)

Please jog your memories & talk to contacts to correct/add/comment so this becomes a work in progress so we can remember the Lahore of our yesteryears!

Ramblings on a rainy morning (from 2006)

March 2, 2021 by

I got up this morning at 3:30 am, and it was raining, all was dark, aik tau raat thi, dosra street light band thi, aur tesra – kalay badloon aur barish ka andhera.

Aur abhi bhi bahir sarkoon pay its pools and pools of water, all awash with muddy and dirty running streams and some rivulets, thanking man for his lack of social sense and responsibility and for trashing the rain water drains with their produce of uselessness!

People huddled under trees, cars running along, not bothered to slow their speeds, so as not to splash these standers by with dirty rain water, as if the cars had a taken on a mind of their own, and an evil one at that, which had in turn taken possession of the senses of the drivers and they had become mechanical automatons.

Many did not even turn their lights, or hazard indicators (blinkers for many) on, and were converted into running rammers, like the rammers of old used to batter the doors of castles during a fight! Wonder what our fight is with?

And I sit and see out the window, knowing that soon I too will have to brave this storm, and leave the haven of the house for the battle ground of the road, and fight the insanity till I go to the office and then once again, relax inside and wonder at he plight of the nameless many who will still be on the roads.

May you the keeper of the keepers, keep them all safe, till they are once again back within the comfort of their own four walls.

July 24, 2006

08:55 hours

New year’s eve 2021

February 24, 2021 by

Let’s get warm

You and I

A log fire betwix

And the night to reminisce!

Lahore – New year eve 2021

Lahore – a lament in paradise

February 23, 2021 by

Lahore the city of my heart!
These words brought out the anguish I feel at the changes Lahore has been brought to bear!

Lahore hun Lahore vich nahi disda

Kiwain labe ga vich jannat dae?

Rab ve hun eh kendha hoyaw ga

Ja hun Lahore vi ronda hoe ga!

Lahore – 15:00 hours – 10-02-2021

Umaima writes – A Suicide

January 29, 2021 by

Umaima Ahmed, Pakistan

A Suicide

When red tickers splash the screens

There is a blast it means

Death toll increases

Everything around freezes

Hospitals are filled with withering lives

Husbands holding on to their wives Mothers wail the child lost

“Why me?” oozes out of each wound Alas! ‘Voters’ questions have no sound ‘Haves’ halfhearted promises

Their flowers, compensations

Can’t dampen

The ‘Have nots’ will to still live These are not video animations Angels sitting on clouds are waiting To enter the world they are debating! Oh Mother!

Price of a coffin is too dear to afford Please cut off the umbilical cord

I am safe inside

Save me from his suicide..


Author ́s Note:

For many of us, the terrorist attack in Lahore (March 27th, 2016) was a repeat of APS. A large number of women and kids were killed and many others terribly injured. The play ground that once echoed with laughter of kids had turned into a pool of blood, agony and silence. The terrorists have ‘proudly’ accepted this inhumane act and have promised to carry out more attacks in the near future..

Umaima writes – Karak & the Hindu Temple issue

January 11, 2021 by

R Umaima writes about the Karak Hindu Temple demolition by a Muslim mob recently

Unending intolerance & hate, poor governance & courts rulings led administration is becoming the norm rather than the exception!

RiP James Bond – Sean Connery

October 31, 2020 by

The names Bond, James Bond

We grew up posing to be 007 and our cycle was the Aston Martin DB

Rest in Peace Sean Connery
Happy hunting all those you missed here!

Kabul school attack 24/10/2020

October 25, 2020 by

Been there, seen that!

The heart bleeds,

The eyes are dry

Senselessness prevails

Baited breath

We wait

For the next carnage

And another outpouring of grief

That gives no relief

To the survivors left

In their disbelief

Not comprehending the brief

Till the next call to recall!